10 things they don’t tell you about the gun range
Ladies, Do you know what to expect on your first trip to the gun range? Of course there are guns but what is it they don’t tell you? 1) Dress like one of the boys That flannel shirt that you love, your favorite hoodie, that cute baseball cap you love on bad hair days… PERFECT.
Requirements to Purchase a Handgun in North Carolina
Are you looking to purchase a handgun in North Carolina for sport or personal defense but confused about the process. Keep reading to learn the requirements to purchase a handgun in North Carolina. To purchase a handgun in North Carolina, the purchaser must provide a valid photo ID along with a valid North Carolina-issued pistol purchase permit or…
Legal Concealed Carry in North Carolina
In the State of North Carolina, citizens wanting to obtain a NC Concealed Carry Handgun Permit are first required to complete an eight-hour concealed carry certification course. After successfully completing an approved handgun safety course, you must submit an application for a state-issued permit in the county in which you reside. At the local Sheriff’s…
What happens in Concealed Carry Handgun Class
A North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun permit allows you to legally carry a handgun on your body or in a personal tote such as backpack, briefcase, or handbag. NORTH CAROLINA FIREARMS LAWS defines Concealed Carry “about the person” which means it must be concealed on the person or within arm’s reach of the person.
Five States of Awareness
The Five States of Awareness are based on Jeff Cooper’s Color Codes and Self-Defense. By being conscious of the various states of awareness, our mind will always be in an active mode of self-defense.